
Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Windows 8.1 or how to alienate your customer base. And wait for Windows 9.

Just had the joy of setting up a new laptop for a client.  Mind you thanks to Windows 8.1 it was far from enjoyable. But it is slightly better than Windows 8.
 Problems are many. When setting up you need to set up a Microsoft email account (aka a Hotmail or Windows Live email). Why do I want this when I have adequate email resources already. There is a way round it but you shouldn't have to do it in the first place.
 And as for the god awful touch screen interface, which is a real nightmare if you don't have a touch-screen, fortunately 8.1 comes with the familiar desktop we know and love and you can have the option to boot up into this, so that's good.
 Just getting to grips with the new operating system will take even the most experienced Windows user time. Nothing is where it should be. Its there it just takes time to find.
 Also most people still use a mouse and a keyboard, so why Microsoft thought other wise is beyond me.
And guess what 2015 will see the launch of wait for it Windows 9. So it seems Windows 8 is more of a test platform rather to try out new ideas.
 I think Microsoft changed too much too soon. So it will be interesting what Windows 9 will be like. It can not be any worse.