Well been quite busy.
In August we supplied and installed the network cabling infrastructure for the Steve Jobs School in Javea. This was quite tricky as Apple have quite high standards. But we did it, and the Apple engineer was very impressed with our install work. In fact commissioning of the whole network system went without a hitch. And it was very much plug and play for the Apple equipment.
Recently I have been designing databases for several clients.
So who is Walter O'Brien. Well he is the inspiration behind the new TV series Scorpion being shown on ITV2 at the moment. He claims to have an IQ of 197 when he was 13. Mine is about 142 which means I am in the the top 0.5% of the population and I could join Mensa if I wanted to. Not quite 197 I know but still pretty high. Don't think I have saved the world from disaster yet, but watch this space you may never know. I might just be the Costa Blanca's answer to Walter O'Brien :)